Polyester TFO Machine

The Polyester TFO Machines we deal in are made to fulfill the requirement of textile industry. These provide assistance at the time of unwinding of yarn. They are protected from damage, dust, abrasion and fly. The said machines can allow for the comfortable twisting on the machines. Polyester TFO Machines feature vibration free and balanced spindle. They also have hard anodized / S.S. pot, which offer long lasting performance. These are used to treat the special sort of yarns. The said machines are used for ply twisting spun yarns. Also, these are suited for twisting the filament yarns. These are functional as the heavy duty and robust solutions, which can handle the coarse deniers even at high speeds. Provided are functional as the fully automated machines, which can be operated with minimal human interferences.
Product Image (03)

Filament Yarn TFO

Price: 600000.00 - 1500000.00 INR/Set
Product Image (02)

128E Polyester TFO Machine

Price: 1 INR/Unit

Polyester yarn twisting machine suitable for your yarn twisting requirements

Product Image (8448)

100E Polyester TFO Machine

Price: 1 INR/Unit

Polyester yarn twisting machine suitable for your yarn twisting requirements.


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